With summer right around the corner and phase 1 of re-opening, we hope this message finds you well.
Toronto’s May results were strong. The chart below which compares May 2021 to May 2020 are skewed as May 2020 results were mired by the full onset of the pandemic.

More instructive is the 2021 month-on-month trends. The rapid increase in prices from January through to the beginning of the second quarter were blunted by the more stringent stress test for pre-qualifying buyers, at 5.25% instead of 4.79%. That said, the charts below show that prices in the freehold sector in May were stable throughout the 2nd quarter while average condo prices dipped slightly compared to prices earlier in the year.

Meanwhile, sales transactions have maintained its record-setting pace as consumer confidence improves.

And now over to Shen.
Shen Shoots The Breeze
I started following this website: becoming minimalist as I was inspired by those who choose to live simply and minimally.
I admit I’m not a minimalist. Left to my own devices, I would probably have more clutter than less; however, being in the business of advising seller clients on what to declutter and streamline before their property goes on the market has made me face my own habits on a regular basis.
I’ve also learned from my friends whose homes are ready for company at a moment’s notice that it takes work. It’s easy to bring things into the house but much more difficult to get them out.
If you buy or sell a home, moving is a part of the process. I came across this article from the aforementioned site and found it helpful and practical for those who are facing an impending move. Hope you also find it useful!